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Аэрокосмический научный журнал. 2016; 2: 1-15

Расчет элементов системы открывания крыши изотермического вагона и прочностной анализ конструкции вагона при её различном конструктивном исполнении

Копытов В. С., Пучков В. М.


В работе проведен анализ различных схем открывания крыши изотермических вагонов предназначенных для перевозки ответственных крупногабаритных грузов на основе кинематического и силового расчетов. Прочностной анализ рассматриваемых конструктивных схем открывания крыши позволил определить усилия в гидроцилиндрах от различного вида действующих нагрузок и их геометрические характеристики, а проведенный силовой анализ конструкции вагона для различных схем открывания крыши позволил проанализировать коэффициенты запаса силовых элементов и напряжения в них от различных видов силовых воздействий. DOI: 10.7463/aersp.0216.0839313 DOI: 10.7463/aersp.0216.0837915
Список литературы

1. Вагоны с раскрывающейся крышей. Электронный портал S cale Trains Club Режим доступа:http://scaletrainsclub.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=1916(дата обращения: 10.01.2016).

2. Вагоны с раскрывающейся крышей. И нформационный портал «Авиация». Режим доступа:http://aviaciaportal.ru/vagony-s-raskryvajushhejsja-kryshej(дата обращения: 10.01.2016).

3. Особенности зарубежных грузовых вагонов. Железнодорожный форум. Режим доступа:http://scbist.com/vagonnoe-hozyaistvo/4386-statya-osobennosti-zarubezhnyh-gruzovyh-vagonov.html(дата обращения 10.01.2016).

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5. Открывающаяся крыша кузова транспортного средства, способ и устройство для ее перемещения. Библиотека патентов на изобретения. Режим доступа:http://www.freepatent.ru/patents/2308389(дата обращения 10.01.2016).

6. Авторское свидетельство 1736795, БИ №20, 1992 г.

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Aerospace Scientific Journal. 2016; 2: 1-15

Calculating the Insulated Car Roof Opening System Components and Strength Analysis of Car Design in Its Various Embodiments

Kopytov V. S., Puchkov V. M.


Opening roof cars can be used in transportation of a diversity of goods that require weather protection. Their operation allows us to fulfill the tasks of the Ministry of Railways that is to ensure both the qualitative and lossless transportation of various national economy and special loads and the significant improvement in the technical and economic indexes of the industry. Thus, there are three embodiment options of the opening roofs: single-leaf roof with axial of rotation along one car side; double-leaf roof with axial of rotation of its flaps along both car sides; single-leaf roof with axial of rotation along the car end wall. The work analyses and compares the first two options of the opening systems of the car roof. Analysis of various schemes of opening the roof-insulated cars is based on kinematic and force calculations. The paper defines how the changing length of hydraulic cylinders depends on the stroke and on the arm of applied force, depending on the opening roof angle for various embodiment options. To find the forces acting on the cylinders were determined the forces acting on the roof and the total applied moment of all the forces acting on them with respect to the axial of rotation. Thus, the total applied moment was considered to comprise the weighting unbalance moments of the roof and snow on it, as well as a moment of the force of wind acting on the roof (dead wind or downwind). Upon finding how the changing total moment of the force applied to the roof depends on the rotation angle and on the change of the applied force arm of hydraulic cylinders, the work determines the forces acting on the cylinders. The maximum tensile and compression force acting on the cylinders allows us to define their geometric characteristics such as piston stroke, diameter of the rod, piston-and rod-working cavity. Using a software package SADAS (developed at the Department "Rocket Launching Complexes" in BMSTU) the core models were built and designed for considered structural scheme to open a car roof with beam cross-sections and their dimensions for the roof designs under consideration assumed to be identical. Comparison of calculation results for various opening options has shown that a double-leaf roof car has a number of advantages as compared with that of the single-leaf roof. The double-leaf opening scheme allows us to use more compact and easy-to-implement hydraulic cylinders. With the double-leaf roof, a design of all power components of the car is under less loads, and therefore, in optimization of this design will be used the cross-sections of the power components of smaller area, thereby leading to reduced weight and size characteristics of the entire design. Tightness of the internal volume of the car with a double-leaf opening roof can be provided through using both the structural components to open the car roof and the cutting-edge leak-proofing and sealing materials.

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